Jose Esparza

Pomodoro tryhard

Jose Esparza
Eating soup


I'm a Software Engineer with extensive knowledge in Machine Learning, Data Science and Software Development. My experience in both academics and industry makes me aware of novelty and fast driving, as well as good analytical skills. I worked with teams from different countries, giving me an integral communication fluency in English. Some of my work is related with really complex systems using large data pipelines, as well as performing analysis and applying machine learning models.

I studied at Universidad Privada del Norte and received as a Bachelor in Software Engineering. My bachelor research project was highlighted due to subject innovation in my alma mater, as well as presented in SMILES 2020 as a research poster. Now I'm running a MsC in Computer Science at Birkbeck, University of London

As part of the first REPUcs cohort, I presented and published a research paper about COVID-19 vaccine roll social reaction and it was indexed in the WHO COVID-19 Research Database. I was mentored by Gissella Bejarano, being part of the Machine Learning Research Group from Binghamton University Computer Science Department.

I'm a Julia Programming Language enthusiast, and most of my personal computer science projects are based on it. This is great language, and I'm convinced that it will be the future of scientific computing. The Google Summer of Code 2023 gave me the opportunity to be a Machine Learning in Julia (MLJ) contributor, being mentored by Anthony Blaom, PhD and Deyan Dyankov.

I play vocals in a band called El mejor verano de mi vida (The best summer of my life). We were recognized as part of the fifth wave of emo, so I'm proud of it. I also like to play Magic The Gathering and I have two cats.

Jose Esparza | 2025