Jose Esparza

At high school I wanted to be a classic guitar player


Why are you showing me this?

I consider that a good workflow with the correct tools are essential to be productive. Who doesn't want to be comfortable and efficient? When I was in college, I was always looking to help my classmates with tools I found useful. I think that can be impactful for them, so I decided to share them here.

Operative system & Desktop Environment

When I started my journey in the world of programming, I was using Windows 7. My first programming course was in C++ and installing libraries was a pain. So I decided to switch to GNU/Linux. I was using Elementary OS and it looked great, but I was not happy with the performance. Like six months later, I read about Arch Linux and I decided to give it a try. I was amazed by the learning curve and the community (I used it for more than five years!!!). However, there was a lot of compatibility issues with my desktop environment that forced me to switch to a more traditional option. I decided to switch to Ubuntu and I'm using it since then. I'm really happy with it and I'm not planning to switch to another distro for a while. However, my laptop uses Arch with Wayland and I'm really happy with it (still a fanboy).

Terminal emulator

Choosing the right terminal emulator is essential for a good workflow. There are a lot of options for all types of users (focused on speed, customization, extra features, etc.). I tried a lot of them (urxvt, st, Alacritty, kitty, Terminator, Black Box, to mention some of them). Now I'm using WezTerm as my daily driver because it's fast, minimal, lightweight, and has the customization options I need.

Bashis my choice for a shell. I tried other shells, like Zshand fish, but I don't need all the extra features they provide.

For my personal taste, I like to have it minimal as possible. It means: no tabs, no status bar, no scroll bar, no menu bar, no title bar, no window decorations, no nothing. You can find my configuration in my dotfiles.

Text editor & IDEs

I usually avoid using IDEs. They are great for beginners, but full of features that I will never use! My tools selection includes Neovim as my main editing tool. Avoiding to talk about the recurring of speed, the plugin capability is insane (and now with Lua is everything better than before). You can find my configuration in my dotfiles.

Thanks to my university, and the fact that IT people don't delete my account; I have full access to JetBrains paid tools. From there I only use certain tools: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate (I use it to develop my minecraft server plugin), DataGrip & DataSpell. I really recommend these tools for the simplicity they provide when installing dependencies. For everything else, they have a lot of things that you will only use once in your life.

Jose Esparza | 2024